NHM Odisha Staff Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri Office of the Chief District Medical Officer,Malkangiri,Odisha Inviting Applications for Staff Nurse, ANM Vacancies on contract basis Jobseekers who are searching for National Health Mission Nursing Vacancies it is a good Opportunity to get jobs eligible and Interested candidates may Apply through Speed post or Registered post.
Job location, Hiring Authority, Name of Vacancy,Eligible educational Qualification, experience, Last Date of Application,Salary, Place of Department to be work,Date and Time of Interview,Venue of Interview all details about the NHM Odisha Staff Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri are as follows.NHM Odisha Staff Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri Details
Name of the Post:- | : | Staff Nurse |
Job Location | : | Malkangiri Odisha |
Hiring organization | : | Office of the Chief District Medical Officer,Malkangiri |
Last Date of Application | : | 8th September 2016 |
NHM Odisha Staff Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri Details
Name of the Post | : | Staff Nurse |
Number of vacancies | : | 39 posts. |
Educational qualifications | : | candidate have passed General Nursing Midwifery or B.Sc Nursing Must have Registered in Odisha Nursing Council. |
Age limit | : | 21-32 years |
Salary per month | Rs.11770/-and other incentives as per NHM norms |
NHM Odisha ANM Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri Details
Name of the Post:- | ANM | |
Number of vacancies:- | 03 posts | |
Educational qualifications | Applicant should Possess Passed Higher Secondary School examination and Auxillary Nurse Midwifery Course from a Government recognised Institution or school and should be registered in Nursing council of Odisha | |
Age limit | 21-32 years | |
Salary per month | Rs.9020/-and other incentives as per NHM norms |
CDMO Malkangiri Application Details
- Mode of Application:-Through Speed post or Registered post
- Mode of Selection:-Competency Based Skill Test
- Last date for application:-08th September 2016
you can Download Official Notification of NHM Odisha Staff Nurse Vacancy Recruitment Malkangiri Details Click Here
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