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AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment Gujarat State AIDS Control Society Health and Family Welfare Department Government of Gujarat Inviting Applications for Staff Nurse Lab Technician on Contract Basis to work at ART centres Jobseekers who are searching for Government Nursing Vacancies.

it is a good Opportunity to get jobs eligible and Interested candidates may Attend the Interview Applicants Eligibility details B.Sc Nursing or GNM or ANM with 3years experience B.Sc with DMLT or DLT Job location, Hiring Authority, Name of Vacancy,Eligible educational Qualification, experience, Last Date of Application,Salary, Place of Department to be work,Date and Time of Interview,Venue of Interview all details about the AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment are as follows

AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment Details

Name of the Post:-Staff Nurse
Job Location:-ART centres Gujarat
Hiring organization:-Gujarat State AIDS Control Society Health and Family Welfare Department
Last Date of Application:-2nd September 2016 at 11.00am

AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment Details
Name of the Post:–Staff Nurse
Number of vacancies:-01post
Edcational qualifications:-Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery or B.Sc Nursing or ANM with 3years experience and should be registerd
Age limit:-not mentioned
Salary per month:-as per ART norms

AIDS Control Society Gujarat Lab Technician Jobs Recruitment Details

Name of the Post:-Lab technician
Number of vacancies:-01post
Educational qualifications:-B.Sc Microbiology with DMLT or DLT from an institute recognised by AICTE or State or Central government with 2years experience and should be registered
Age limit:-not mentioned
Salary per month:-as per ART norms

AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment Application Details
Mode of Selection:-Interview or Written test
Date of Interview:-2nd September 2016 at 11.00am
Venue :-Auditorium hall,V.S General Hospital, Ahmedabad
Interested candidates who fulfill the above qualifications may Attend the Interview along with original and photocopies of certificates and mark sheets date of birth and experience
on 2nd september 2016

you can Down load Official Notification of AIDS Control Society Gujarat Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment Details Click Here

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